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    Asentics VARIO GmbH

    Birlenbacher Str. 19-21


    +49 271 30391110

    Get your Vario Inspection System fit for future! The Vario is a reliable sealing inspection system which is running since many years in elastomer factories all over the world. Users love the Vario due to its long-lasting design and its reliable operation. However, because of our new flagship Vario2, the software development on the Vario has been stopped for several years and some of the vision and computer components are facing the end of life cycle. To get the Vario fit for future, Asentics has developed the Upgrade Kit VARIOplus which boosts the machine performance and extends the availability of spare parts. Furthermore, the upgraded machine will benefit from the latest Vario2 software development in terms of performance, ease of use and updates. The VARIOplus Kit basically consists of a new Industrial Rack Computer with new operating system, faster image acquisition hardware, state of the art interfaces and the newest ASENTICS inspection software. The whole kit is pre-configured and prepared to migrate production data and set-up data from the old system.

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